Feelin' Good Collective

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How TikTok’s #deinfluencing encourages mindful shopping

What is #deinfluencing?

Scroll long enough on social media and you’ll come across #deinfluencing: a trend that convinces you not to spend your money. With over 517 million views on TikTok, influencers are pleading their case on why you don’t need an entire collection of makeup blushes, overpriced hair dryers or random kitchen gadgets to improve the quality of your life. 

Is #deinfluencing a fad? Or is real change being made?

Deinfluencing quickly became a buzzword to rebrand product reviews and gained popularity for influencers to promote cheaper brand substitutes, commonly referred to as “dupes”, contradicting the central themes of reducing excessive consumption and prompting sustainability. 

However, with this social media trend on the uprise, Millennials and Gen-Z are starting to look inwards on their consumer habits, which include routines, social comparison and impulsive decision making.

More stuff ≠ more happiness

Easier said than done, we often overlook our necessities and make space for products that fill an emotional gap in our lives. Rather than spending money frivolously, here are some ways to reinvest your hard-earned money, without experiencing feelings of guilt or buyer’s remorse.

Investing in experiences

Investing in experiences is a valuable part of your mindfulness journey. It allows your mind to immerse itself in new memories you are creating in the present moment.  Based on a study of 5,000 participants from University of Texas, research showed that “happiness was higher for participants who consumed experiential purchases versus material ones in every category, regardless of the cost of the item.” 

Investing in relationships

Being kind and generous to your loved ones can make you feel good. However, let’s keep in mind that we don’t always have to show our love through gifts. It’s also important to show your affection through words, actions and quality time. We all give and receive love in different ways, take the Love Languages quiz to find out yours.

Investing in yourself

Spending money on yourself doesn’t have to result in a copious amount of things. Reframe your investment as a means to spark joy. Is there something you loved to do as a child, but don’t have time for anymore? Below are a few questions to ask yourself when considering your next purchase. 

Can #deinfluencing help you make more mindful purchase decisions?

To become more mindful, we first have to recognize our thought patterns and feelings. Here are some questions to consider when making your next purchase:

  • Do I actually need this product or am I considering because it’s on sale?

  • Is this item going to contribute to my hobby, resulting in more creativity and fun in my life?

  • Do I want to purchase this item because I need it, or because I want to fit in societal standards?

  • What are three things I can donate or give to a friend to make space for this new item in my home?

  • Can making this purchase enable me to create new memories?

While deinfluencing isn’t a new movement, it’s an important reminder for us to reflect and recognize ways we can all be more mindful consumers in a world of wanting more. 

Do you have any tips to help our collective save money and consume with intention? Share your comments below.