Make your layoff payoff: 3 ways to find purpose and embrace the unknown

With layoffs sadly becoming all too common in today's inflationary climate of uncertainty, I feel compelled to share my own story.

This past January, I was laid off.

It catapulted me into a new version of myself—one that I was longing to meet. One without self-imposed limitations and with a newfound sense of self-worth. I realized how unhappy I had been bordering stages of burnout, yet lacking the courage to make a change.

It turned out to be the redirection I needed, a nudge from the universe in the right direction. With the time and space to reassess my priorities, I co-created a venture born from my passion for mindfulness and wellness in just three months. And the journey continues to unfold. Below are 3 key learnings that have helped me on my path so far.

1. Being laid off was a nudge in the right direction

What if this unexpected turn of events is actually a nudge from the universe, directing you towards truly recognizing your potential?

Oprah Winfrey's famous words from her book The Path Made Clear offers a powerful reminder: 

“Your life is not static. Every decision, setback, or triumph is an opportunity to identify the seeds of truth that make you the wondrous human being that you are. I’m not talking just about what you do for a living.

When you pay attention to what feeds your energy, you move in the direction of the life for which you were intended. Trust that the Universe has a bigger, wider, deeper dream for you than you could ever imagine for yourself.” 

Though it may feel like you're in a trough of disillusionment right now, remember that life is a series of ebbs and flows. As you emerge from this difficult time, embrace the journey with self-love and trust that the universe always has your back.

2. Now is the time to glow up and level up 

As you search for new opportunities, carve out time for the things, people, and activities that truly bring you joy.

Have you always wanted to hike more? It’s never been a better time. Secretly dreamed of learning salsa or tap dancing? Go for it. Have you considered taking a pottery class and creating something with your hands? Now is the time.

Be sure to also take a moment to reflect on your childhood and think about what brought you joy and what didn't. Ask yourself: what feels like home? What brings me pure happiness? Make a list of these activities and make time for them in your life.

3. Find your Ikigai

Birth to a passion project, it could be anything. Even if you don't end up pursuing it, the experience will teach you how to create something out of nothing, build confidence, and gain forward momentum—which is infectious. Remember, consumption can be draining, but it’s creation that allows us to undergo a process of self-discovery and bring our ideas to life. 

Using the Japanese art of Ikigai is a great way to do this. Identify more of what the world needs, the gifts you have, and things you love doing and could get paid for. It’s at that intersection of these elements where you will find your Ikigai, and it’s a beautiful place to be. 

Naina Dewan

Co-founder at Feelin’ Good Collective


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